Sunday, October 28, 2007

Most dangerous country, but not to the Journal

Only a series of big stories in the mainstream media jolted the Journal (J) into today's semi-major story about Pakistan.

It was a tepid and uninformative fluff piece about Benazir Bhutto, avoiding most information that Americans need to understand Pakistan, which many experts consider to be the most dangerous country on earth. Consider this missing information:

Osama Bin Laden moves ever closer to control of a radical Islamic Pakistan armed with nuclear weapons!

While Bush concentrates on Iran, which is far from producing a nuke, Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal is falling into radicalism.

Bush’s slaughter of civilians in Iraq and Iran is driving Afghani and Pakistani moderates into the arms of Islamic radicals, weakening our allies, making the world much more dangerous and costly (for us).

Over 20,000 Pakistani schools (Madrasas), pumping out vicious Anti-American, pro-Talibani propaganda, are increasing dramatically in popularity.

The U.S. intelligence community agrees that Bin Laden and the Taliban are now stronger than they have been in years, secure in nuclear Pakistan—a story you seldom see in the J,

BUT, you did get nine paragraphs in Section A about Ms. England. She apparently is too thin.


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Bob, perhaps you're spread too thin. The items you've posted are fine, but we've read about them on other venues. Did you consider raising funds to run the ABQ TRIB?

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