Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Is the Journal a Tabloid?

Paris Hilton and Tony Soprano were the Journal's lead stories above the fold on page one for three days in a row, June 9-11, 2007.

The news those three days contained many important stories, including the deaths of 11 U.S. service people.

On just one of those days, the Journal spent 29 paragraphs describing Tony Soprano's last show, while devoting only TWO SENTENCES to our valuable service people who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country.

Dramatizing fluff news at the expense of valuable national or community stories has been a noticeable pattern with the Journal.

Devaluing brave soldiers while emphasizing Paris and Tony is not acceptable or ethical journalistic practice for the major news conduit of citizens in a Albuquerque.

Such practices have occasioned the formation of this blog.